Our Partners

We partner with Ergo Med and The Point and Athlete Assessments to provide.... 


ErgoMed Work Systems is designed to help you provide and maintain a healthy and productive work force. Our programs have been proven to decrease workers compensation premiums, prevent fraudulent behaviors, and decrease employer liability. All of our programs are turn key for the employer.


Our vision is to provide excellent quality therapy resulting in rapid recovery while promoting healthy life changes. Every patient receives personalized, warm and caring treatment each time they visit one of our clinics.

The most significant contributor to consistent, successful high performance might not be what you’d think. All the research points to the same conclusion. If you don’t have the ‘people side’ of your sport right, you’re missing out on a massive compe…

The most significant contributor to consistent, successful high performance might not be what you’d think. All the research points to the same conclusion. If you don’t have the ‘people side’ of your sport right, you’re missing out on a massive competitive advantage. After all, technical ability is never the defining factor in top performance.

Equipment doesn’t win Championships. People do.

At Athlete Assessments, we are the experts in the ‘people side’ of sport. While we are best known for our profiling and team dynamics consulting using the AthleteDISC, CoachDISC and Sports ManagerDISC, we do more than just Assessments. Read More…